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PPG meeting notes

PPG survey results – 01/02/24

A survey was conducted on the Harewood Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) Facebook page concerning the upcoming cloud-based telephony system installation.

Survey question

Participants were asked whether they would prefer:

  • A longer queue with longer call wait times, but calls are dealt with in order, or
  • A smaller queue with shorter wait times, but there may be the need to call numerous times due to the queue being small

Survey results

Results indicated a clear preference among participants:

  • 90% (33 votes) preferred a longer queue
  • 10% (4 votes) preferred a smaller queue

This feedback will be taken into account when setting up our new phone system.

Survey administration

Survey run by Emma Morris, practice manager.

December 11th 2017 minutes

Thank you for coming to our first PPG meeting.

Introductions Suz Wiggett Practice Manager, Dr Coggan, Julia Secretary.

Aims and objectives

I thought I would give you some background as to Patient Participation Group role:

Every PPG is unique evolving to meet local needs. Most commonly they work with practices to offer the patient perspective on the services that are provided. PPGs also help to improve communication to encourage patients to take more responsibility for their health and to provide practical support.

The group works with practices to contribute to the continuous improvement of services foster improved communication between the practice and its patients and provide practical support and help to implement change. Each group determines its own activities according to the needs of the community and the practice itself.

The PPG is normally made up of practice staff and patients that are representative of the practice population although the group can be set up by patients and have no practice involvement. The main aim of the PPG is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and over time, commissioned by the practice.

The outcomes and the views of patients are published on the NHS website or practice website.

The idea of the group is that you can have regular meetings which can be as frequent as the group feels they need to be monthly quarterly etc or it can be a virtual group which is done via email or social media.

The group is not for specific complaints, Any patients that need to raise any individual issues should do so by contacting the practice directly.

We have some patients who unfortunately were unable to make the meeting tonight who are interested in participating in the group and others that would be happy to be part of a virtual group.

What would we like from the PPG

Ideas and communication of things that we maybe could do better as a surgery. We would like to hear patient’s ideas on what improvements we could make.

What would we like from this meeting

We would like agreement to go forward in setting up a group to support the surgery. Would you be interest in helping us to set up this group and what sort of group do you think would be best to support Harewood actual or virtual group.

Next steps

Date of next meeting?

Suggestions for chairperson and secretary.


New building

As you may be aware, planning permission has been granted for a new surgery to be built. We are still in negotiations with the Clinical Commissioning Group to see if funding is available for us to be able to move this forward.

We are currently in the process of setting up a website for the surgery which we hope will be useful for our patients.

We are now offering more online services for patients to order their prescriptions, book appointments and have access to their medical records. If this is something that anyone would be interested in, please call into the practice and speak to one of the receptionists.

Focus is on patient feedback. We carry out in house friends and family surveys. Our results show 99% of patients state they would with be ‘extremely likely’ or ‘likely’ to recommend the surgery to others. (data from the inhouse friends and family survey).

96.6% recommend the surgery on NHS choices website with a 5 * rating (highest in the area).

Ground rules

  • This meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues
  • We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
  • We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
  • We will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group
  • Silence indicates agreement – speak up but always go through the chair
  • All views are valid and will be listened to
  • No phones or other disruptions
  • We will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda

Page published: 6 December 2024
Last updated: 6 December 2024